Heartwarming Card Announces Foster Couple's Big News In The Most Perfect Way

Parents-To-Be Share Big News With Heartwarming Twist

Forget the innovative pregnancy announcements on YouTube, one couple decided to share some big news of their own using a simple card. But it's the twist that really tugs the heart strings.

Cara and Eric Taylor aren't expecting a baby, but the parents-to-be are expecting to foster a child this year.

On the front of the card reads a heartwarming announcement to friends and family: "Whichever one fits. It is our hope and prayer in 2015 to grow our family by adopting a child from foster care."

*Grabs tissues*

The couple, from Alabama, are pictured with several pairs of children's shoes placed on the floor in front of them. Each pair represents their open-minded view to caring for a child regardless of their race, gender or age.

“We’re pretty open if it’s the right child,” Cara Taylor, 31, told Today.

“We’ve always had adoption in our hearts. When we researched the foster care system, we found such a great need right here in our backyard that we decided to go through the foster care system here in Alabama and grow our family that way.”

The couple hope that their card will inspire others to adopt, too.

“All kids deserve to grow up feeling love and we want to do our part in providing that for a child,” adds Taylor.

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