Vegetarian Teen Model Bathes In Pig Blood To Prevent Ageing: 'I'll Go To Whatever Lengths Necessary To Stay Young And Beautiful'

Vegetarian Teen Model Bathes In Pig Blood To Prevent Ageing

Step aside placenta facials and and snail slime face cream, now there's an even more bizarre anti-ageing technique taking the internet by storm - and it involves bathing in blood.

Nineteen-year-old model Chanel is so obsessed with maintaining her youthful appearance that she's taken to covering her entire body in pig's blood.

The weirdest part? She just so happens to be a vegetarian.

Chanel, who stars in MTV's True Life: I'm Obsessed with Staying Young, says: "For my career, I'll go to whatever lengths necessary to stay young and beautiful."

"My greatest fear is getting old and developing wrinkles and extra loose skin," she adds.

But Chanel's family do not share her enthusiasm for weird and (not-so) wonderful beauty treatments.

When quizzed by her concerned grandmother Lois, Chanel is unable to provide evidence to support her claims that pig's blood will help maintain her youth.

"You're going to harm yourself seriously by trying little remedies that other people have told you about," says her grandmother. "Bathing in blood - that's gross! That's not gonna keep you young, that's gonna make you sick!"

Consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS council member, Mr Muhammed Riaz, agrees: "This sounds like a story from medieval times. Some Queens and Royals used to bathe in different types of milk to stay young and keep the skin healthy, but there is no scientific reason or evidence to believe pig's blood has any such effect. It sounds unhygienic and there will certainly be a risk getting infectious diseases."

"Recently we have seen skin rejuvenating effects from plasma injections and stem cells from fat transfers," he adds. "But these are derived from a patient's own blood and fat."

Massimiliano Marcellino, cosmetic surgeon at MYA Cosmetic Surgery, adds: “We recommend new anti-aging programs based on latest scientific evidence only, with research that proves their efficiency. As far as I am concerned, I am not aware of any studies involving bathing in pigs blood. I would not recommend pursuing any anti-aging treatments that aren’t scientifically proven.”

[H/T Gawker]

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