Women Replicate Models Wearing Victoria's Secret Swimsuits And Totally Nail It

Women Replicate Victoria's Secret Photoshoot And Totally Nail It

The excuse usually trotted out when it comes to using tall, slim women to sell clothes is that they look better in them, and in aspiring to emulate that, it will make us want to buy the clothes.

Well, tosh, we say.

The lovely folks at Buzzfeed created a photoshoot to disprove just that. Staff members of all sizes and shapes took part and guess what? They totally nailed it.

Writing about it, the women - who were Lara Parker, Kirsten King, Sheridan Watson, Nina Mohan, Kristin Chirico, Allison Bagg and Macey J Foronda - said: "Every summer we are exposed to the flawless pictures of Victoria’s Secret models. And every summer, we wonder why when that bathing suit arrives in the mail, we put it on and don’t feel flawless.

"We each chose a model and then tried to re-create her pose. We think it’s very important for women of all different shapes, sizes, and colors to rock these bathing suits and give an accurate depiction of what a beach body really is. So that’s what we did."

Take a look at the amazing shots:

Women Recreate Victoria's Secret Photoshoot

Women Recreate Victoria's Secret Photoshoot

Talking about the experience, writer Nina Mohan said: "Looking at these models was just a constant reminder that never in my adult life have I been that skinny or white, so I can’t pretend that I relate.

"It sucks because there are different ways to represent “bikini bodies” and beauty in general, but we’re force-fed one image. I wish I could see someone like me in a magazine, but I’m still waiting."

With National Bikini Day on 5 July (has a more bullshit awareness day existed?) we feel this is an important conversation to be having.

Stacey McKenzie

Actresses And Models With Unconventional Beauty
