Adam Hills' 'The Last Leg' Rant About UK Politicians Is Utterly Brutal

Adam Hills' Epic Rant Against The Government Is Utterly Brutal

Comedian Adam Hills launched an explosive and expletive-laden rant against the government on his show 'The Last Leg' last week.

Hills, who was born without a right foot, said: "Disabled people make up eight per cent of the population but have borne 29 per cent of the cuts making them 9 times more likely to be affected by the cuts than able-bodied people.

"Meanwhile how are the government dealing with the fact they're might not reach the legally binding target of fewer than one in 10 children in poverty in 2020?

"They're gonna try and scrap the target!

"Not only that but it's reported that they may also change the definition of poverty in order to lower the numbers of children in poverty.

"Wow. If we've learnt one thing from this government it's that politicians really love screwing vulnerable children."

At this point the audience make a collective "ooh", not sure how to take the speech but Hills continues undeterred.

He adds: "You know, fuck em, absolutely fuck 'em!

"You know that's the problem with this country right now, you make a joke about politicians screwing children and people go 'ooh, you can't say that!'. No! No one can say it for 30 fucking years and that's why they've been doing it!

"We need to talk more about the fact that politicians are fucking children! In every sense."


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