Dan Hodges Announces He's Leaving The Labour Party, Is Lambasted For Quitting Over Jeremy Corbyn

Dan Hodges Mercilessly Mocked For Leaving Labour... Again

Political commentator Dan Hodges is being mercilessly mocked on social media, after he called Jeremy Corbyn 'the Left's Enoch Powell' in a last-ditch attack before leaving the Labour party.

Hodges, who contributes to the Telegraph newspaper and Spectator magazine, was taunted for his much-discussed decision to cut ties with Labour - after he quit and rejoined the party several times.

He complained in a column published on Tuesday that continuing to be a paid-up member would make him complicit in what he sees as Labour acting as a conduit for "terrorists, anti-semites and Isil apologists".

Activist and song-writer Billy Bragg led the charge, comparing Hodges to a fan of Chelsea FC, whose team are suffering in 16th position in the Premier League after a string of shock losses. Bragg joked that Hodges couldn't understand the success of Corbyn, who he compared to Leicester City FC - currently enjoying the dizzying heights of first place.

Many social media users quickly piled in, first criticising Hodges' repeated disaffiliation from the Labour Party. Despite leaving several times, he wrote in his latest column: "Here comes a moment where you have to say 'enough. Not in my name'. For me, that moment has finally arrived."

While others questioned whether Hodges' dramatic exit from Labour was really that big a deal.

Giving playwright Dan Rebellato the perfect excuse to wheel out this much-loved Partridge GIF.

But one lone voice among the social media masses offered some pause for thought, as a Labour supporter remarked that Hodges was one of the few political pundits to call the general election outcome correctly.


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