London Underground Passenger Launches Homophobic Rant At Drag Queen In Shocking Video

Heroic Tube Passenger Stands Up To Homophobe On Busy New Year's Train
Ryan Mahon/Facebook

A video of a Tube passenger who stood up to a homophobe on the morning of New Year's Day has gone viral after his message touched the hearts of people across the country.

Ryan Mahon was travelling on a busy Piccadilly Line train in the early hours of New Year's Day when a fellow passenger began to "shout abuse at a drag queen".

After Mahon stepped in he became the target of vile abuse and threats of violence. "If there was no camera nowhere, you'd have no jaw," the rowdy man threatened.

WARNING: Strong language.

Had an amazing night celebrating New Years with great people!!Unfortunately, on the way home I witnessed an absolute...

Posted by Ryan Mahon on Friday, January 1, 2016

"It's sickening to think that this kind of abuse still happens in today's society when there is no place nor any need for it," Ryan said.

"The guy in the video (and his friends who like to pipe up with random bullshit remarks) seem to think that being gay is sick and wrong. I think that discrimination, bigotry and general nastiness is sick and wrong.

"He seems to think that gay people have a negative influence on his child. I think having a father who thinks it's acceptable to publicly shame others is far more of a negative influence."

The British Transport Police have confirmed they are looking into the incident.

"We have been made aware of a video on social media which appears to show a man making homophobic comments and threats of violence towards passengers on a London Tube train," a spokesperson said.

"Officers are viewing the footage and making enquiries to establish the full circumstances of the incident and when and where it took place.

"This is completely unacceptable behaviour and we are asking anyone who recognises the man involved to contact British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40, or text 61016, quoting reference 146 of 2/1/2016."


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