'Making A Murderer' Convict Steven Avery Has Chances Of Freedom Slashed By Scott Walker

This Man Has Slashed Steven Avery's Chances Of Prison Release

The only person who could allow Steven Avery a reprieve from prison has delivered some disappointing news for the convict.

Governor of Wisconsin Scott Walker, 48, vowed the 'Making A Murderer' subject would not be released from prison, despite some 127,000 signatures that have signed a White House petition calling for his release.

This article may contain spoilers for the Netflix series 'Making A Murderer'

"Just because a documentary on TV says something doesn't mean that's actually what the evidence shows,” Walker told WQOW television on Tuesday.

"The bottom line is that there was a crime that was committed a decade ago.

"There is a system... by which individuals can petition the courts to get relief like others have done in the past that shows that someone might actually be innocent. But I am not going to override a system that is already put in place."

Steven Avery's chances of release have been slashed by Scott Walker

Walker has not granted a single pardon since he took office five years ago.

Jerry Buting, one of Avery's defence lawyers, told Radio 4's Today programme that all of his appeals had been exhausted and only newly-discovered evidence could force the case to be re-examined.

"We're getting new leads that can be followed up," he said. "Scientists from all over the world have been contacting us with different approaches to present scientific evidence that... could demonstrate his innocence."

The petition to pardon Avery and his cousin, Brendan Dassey, suggests President Obama should intervene.

However under US law, presidents can only pardon federal crimes - which are a violation of a statute by the United States Congress.

As Avery has been convicted of breaking a state law - passed by the state legislature of local authority, the only person who could pardon Avery is the Governor of Wisconsin.

The petition states: "Based on the evidence in the Netflix documentary series "Making a Murderer", the justice system embarrassingly failed both men, completely ruining their entire lives.

"There is clear evidence that the Manitowoc County sheriff's department used improper methods to convict both Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey.

“This is a black mark on the justice system as a whole, and should be recognized as such, while also giving these men the ability to live as normal a life as possible."

Avery was sent to prison in 1985 for sexual assault and attempted murder. DNA evidence later proved he was innocent of the crimes, and in 2003 his conviction was overturned.

Two years after his release and his filing of a $36 million lawsuit against Manitowoc County for wrongful conviction, he was again accused and later convicted for the murder of Teresa Halbach.


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