The Largest Solar System Ever Found Has One Planet And It's A Trillion Miles From Its Sun

The Largest Solar System Is So Big You Would Never Reach Your First Birthday

Scientists in Australia have found what they believe to be the largest solar system ever discovered.

Astronomer Simon Murphy and his colleagues from the Australian National University discovered what they originally thought to be a rogue planet known as 2MASS J2126-8140.

Well it turns out that they were wrong, 2MASS J2126-8140 isn't drifting through space, it is in fact orbiting a star, albeit 621,000,000,000 miles away.

To put that into perspective that's the equivalent of Earth being over 6,000 further away from the sun than it is currently.

Now being that far away presents a number of problems, the most crucial of which is that no 2MASS J2126-8140 could never support life. It's simply too far away.

The second being that even if it could support life we'd all die of old age before the planet could complete a single orbit, that's because a single orbit takes 2MASS J2126-8140 around a million years.

To make this even more depressing, that's five times longer than humanity has even existed on planet Earth.

2MASS J2126-8140 is a gas giant generally believed to be between 12 to 15 times bigger than our own gas giant Jupiter. Despite its enormous size the gas giant is still barely clinging on to its own orbit.

In fact the only reason it hasn't been thrown out into space is because Murphy and his team believe the solar system is something of a galactic loner, with very few nearby solar systems able to interfere with the solar dance that has been taking place.


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