Double Decker Bus Explodes In Heart Of London - For New Action Film

Double Decker Bus Explodes In Heart Of London - For New Action Film

A double decker bus dramatically explodes in the heart of London – but it is all for a movie.

Londoners were left confused as they saw the bus go up in flames as it drove along Lambeth Bridge in central London on Sunday.

A spokesman for the Port of London Authority confirmed it was a stunt for a film and that the bridge was closed off.

But the scene took some by surprise.

Author Sophie Kinsella wrote on Twitter: "Hey film types, next time you blow up a bus on Lambeth Bridge maybe tell us first so children in park aren't freaked?"

Conservative MP for Mid Worcestershire Nigel Huddleston posted a video of the explosion on Twitter with the message: "Anyone worried about the exploding bus on Lambeth Bridge just now? It was just for a movie."

The controlled explosion was shot for a scene in new action flick The Foreigner, starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

In a notice warning residents about it, film producers described the film as a "gritty action thriller". It is directed by Martin Campbell, who was behind James Bond films Casino Royale and GoldenEye.

The notice, posted on Twitter, stated: "The explosion is controlled and operated by our special effects team."

It added: "Every precaution will be taken to ensure the safety of the people in the area."


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