PMQs: David Cameron Hits Out At Jeremy Corbyn After Labour Heckle PM About His Mum

Watch Cameron And Corbyn Shout At Each Other About Their Mums

David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn's traded blows about each other's mothers on Wednesday during heated exchanges at prime minister's questions.

As the Labour leader and prime minister sparred over the future of the NHS, A Labour MP shouted at Cameron across the Commons chamber to ask what his mother would think.

Pausing to address the heckle, Cameron replied: "Ask my mother?"

Facing the Labour leader, he said angrily: "I think I know what my mother would say. I think she would look across the Despatch Box and she'd say 'put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem."

Shadow Business Secretary Angela Eagle started the heckle by shouting "ask his mum", which is recorded on Parliament TV. Labour backbencher Carolyn Harris then interrupted Mr Cameron to repeat the phrase, which Hansard picked up, and Shadow Defence Secretary Emily Thornberry rounded off with her own shout of the jibe, spotted by HuffPost UK.

Over loud jeering and cheering from MPs, Corbyn replied: "If we are talking about motherly advice, my late mother would have said: 'stand up for the principle of the health service free at the point of use for everybody. Because thats what she dedicated her life to as did many of her generation."

Following PMQs, Corbyn's official Twitter account tweeted a riposte to Cameron's critique of the Labour leader's dress sense.

A spokesperson for Corbyn said: "When you are losing an argument you resort to personal insults. As David Cameron was on the NHS."

The spokesperson added: "We would encourage everyone in the Labour party to avoid personal insults."

Earlier this month, Cameron's mother Mary signed a petition against cuts to children’s services in Oxfordshire. The prime minister's aunt has also described the cuts to services in her nephew's constituency were a "great error".

Reaction on Twitter including the Liberal Democrats attempting to take the higher ground and a Labour peer pointing out Cameron does not always wear a tie himself - including when speaking to President Obama.


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