Russian Teenager Wins Competition To Spend A Month In A Hotel With Porn Star Ekaterina Makarova

This 16-Year-Old Won A Competition To Spend A Month Living With A Porn Star But His Mum Isn't Happy
Life News

While we trundle along hoping to win a few quid on the lottery, one Russian teenager has won the prize of a lifetime - the chance to live in a hotel with a porn star for a month.

Former child actor Ruslan Schedrin, 16, was the lucky 100,000th visitor to a games website and was subsequently offered the prize of shacking up with adult actress Ekaterina Makarovain Moscow.

"I didn't believe it at first, I thought it was rubbish," Ruslan said. "But when it turned out to be true, I thanked the website, I was so happy. I saw her and I liked everything, she has got good sizes.... and so on. I am looking forward to our meeting so much, everything is boiling inside me.

"I have told my mother and she has taken it badly, but I think we'll sort it out."

Adult film star Ekaterina Makarova, also known as Macy Ssens

Despite Ruslan's joy, his mother wasn't as pleased.

"I am absolutely against it," Vera Schedrina told Life News. "He has got exams, he is studying.This is not real at all, even a week is too much. They should give us 100,000 roubles (£931) instead, we'll be happy with it.

"Such a prize, how could they get such an idea for a 16 year old boy? I am shocked. I have not seen the girl. But my son must study."

But Makarova is in favour of the meeting - she says 16 is "a good age to be independent".

She also refused to rule out the idea of having sex with young Ruslan, who is above the legal age of consent in Russia.

"It is a usual thing when inexperienced boys are looking for more experienced girlfriends," she said. "I don't know. At least we'll be friends. I liked him in the photos."


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