Scientists Reveal When The Universe Could End

The Universe Could End A Lot Sooner Than We Thought

If you've got big dreams you still want to achieve, the latest discovery about the universe should come as good news.

Scientists have suggested that the universe will not be ending for another 2.8 billion years at least, a lot sooner than we originally thought.

Diego Sáez-Gómez from the University of Lisbon, Portugal, came to this conclusion after observing data on galaxies, supernovae and something known as baryon acoustic oscillations, which is used to measure dark energy, New Scientist reports.

The Milky Way

Originally, some physicists believed that this process, dubbed the Big Rip, could happen in 20 to 22 billion years.

However, the new figure of 2.8 billion years is still plenty of time and Sáez-Gómez assured New Scientist that "we’re safe.”

He also explained that the "rip" could never come and while this may sound like the best scenario, it's not.

The Big Freeze and the Big Crunch are two other theories that describe equally terrifying fates.

In case of the Big Freeze, the universe is predicted to cool as it expands, eventually becoming uninhabitable.

Alternatively, the Big Crunch theory suggests that the universe will start to shrink instead of expanding.


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