Artist's Honest Illustrations About Anxiety Aim To 'Ease A Worried Mind'

'When I get anxious, I know it won’t last forever.'

When you suffer from anxiety, the mix of emotions you're bombarded with on a daily basis can sometimes feel overwhelming.

In her new book 'Thin Slices Of Anxiety', illustrator Catherine Lepage depicts her own experiences of the mental health condition in order to help others "ease [their] worried mind".

"I needed to make something positive out of a negative experience," she tells The Huffington Post UK.

"I think images are a powerful tool to access the emotions. And somehow I knew that my experience with anxiety had something universal, even if what I share is really personal."

Catherine Lepage

Lepage says her energy levels often have an impact on her anxiety.

"When I’m tired, I tend to be more anxious. When that happens, everything seems harder to do," she says.

"I feel I won’t be able to make it through the day. Everyday tasks weigh a ton on my shoulders. But it happens less and less because I am aware of what triggers my anxiety. And when I get anxious, I know it won’t last forever."

When she feels stressed, Lepage has one coping mechanism she says helps calm her emotions.

"When I realise that I’m stressed I smile," she says.

"You cannot smile if you're holding a lot of tension in your face. You have to relax to be able to smile. Of course, that won’t work in the middle of a panic attack."

See some of the images from her book below, or visit Lepage's website to view more of her work.

Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage
Catherine Lepage

Thin Slices of Anxiety, by Catherine Lepage, is published by Chronicle Books and is available to buy here.

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