Primary School Kids Surprise Teacher With A Heartwarming Gesture For An 81-Year-Old Man

These boys have restored our faith in humanity.

A teacher has praised a group of boys at her school for "paying it forward" by selflessly helping an 81-year-old man with some work in his garden.

Mrs Jamieson, a teacher at Cooma North Public School in Australia, explained the boys were returning from winning a school rugby league when they noticed the man needed help.

"When the boys went back to the bus after the game, the team and their parents noticed an 81-year-old gentleman trying to move his woodpile from the front of the house to the back," she wrote on Facebook.

"It was a rather large pile and would have taken the gentleman a long time," Jamieson continued.

"The boys and dads, without hesitation, decided to help the gentleman and completed the task in no time at all."

The teacher went on how to express how grateful she was for the children's kindness.

"Boys, I am very proud of each and every one of you," she wrote in the post.

"I speak on behalf of all the teachers, parents and students when I say: 'Top work!' It is wonderful to hear that you are 'paying it forward'."

The heartwarming story was uploaded to the school's Facebook page on Friday 17 June and it was shared nearly 14,500 times in just three days.

More teachers from the school began commenting on the story, also expressing how proud they were.

"From Ms Mensinga - I am so incredibly proud of you boys for your wonderful act of kindness," one teacher wrote.

Another commented: "This is Ms Hedger. Nice job guys... this is what it's all about. Very proud to be one of your teachers 👍🏼."

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