Fake it 'Til You Make It; Designer Bags Without the Fat Tag

I first fell in love with Thursday Friday when I was obsessing about buying a Chanel bag that I couldn't, and still can't afford.

I first fell in love with Thursday Friday when I was obsessing about buying a Chanel bag that I couldn't, and still can't afford. Checking eBay every ten minutes and endlessly googling images of said bag I stumbled upon the website and laughed my ass off. It reminded me of the image below from Jak n Jil featured ages ago; the image that made us all question consumerism a little, made a laugh of our obsession with obscenely priced goodies and ironically made Chanel look a little cooler just because...

The IT bag is over or so we're told but while many women are still spending on their leathers others are poking fun at the notion of such a practical item as the handbag being held up as a status symbol. If you fall into the latter school of thought but want to give a wink and a nod to your fashion counterparts then Thursday Friday is a cheeky way to do it..

Made from "democratic cotton" these canvas totes are printed on all sides with the images of exclusive, even iconic, luxury leather handbags. From Hemes to Balenciaga, Chanel to the newly launched Proenza Schouler (below).

What do you think?? I've got my eye on the Hermes for holiday... I can imagine myself parading through the airport with stupidly high heels and saucer sunnies like an A lister. Except I won't have to hang my fancy bag from a naff handbag hook to protect it from nasties... the beauty with these beauties is you can fill your designer bag with smelly towels, destroy it with sand and even forget it in a bar after one too many tequila shots and no ones going to cry... Winner.


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