'We Stand United'

The bleak reality is that the black cab industry is at risk of becoming extinct. Seeking Judicial Review is the only route of success to ensuring a fairer system with more regulation. If Uber gains a monopoly in the market, the travelling public could suffer from dramatic fare increases and compromised regulation surrounding safety and we can't let that happen.

The black cab industry has been taking centre stage in the news recently. While we have been able to bring together all parties prior to embarking on this mission to ensure it would be embraced by the industry, one question I keep being asked is "how are we running this campaign?"

I have no secrets. The simple question is that all the work we have been doing is thanks to the generosity and hard work of the team behind Action for Cabbies. There's a group of 14 women (you don't always see them, but we work in shifts round the clock, doing our research, answering your questions, flyering and engaging in conversations to build on the brilliant momentum we have already created. And this is all while we work full time, look after our families and feed our children!

And before you ask about the legal fees and our work with the media - well, all legal work and public communications is being done without any fee and totally contingent on sufficient funds being raised.

We are taking every step possible in the lead up to the Judicial Review because this is no ordinary case - there are so many complexities that we have enlisted the help of some of the best legal brains in the capital. We cannot afford to cut any corners, slack off on costs if we are going to preserve an iconic piece of London history.

Keen to progress the case swiftly, we have opted for flexible funding rather than a fixed fund. We have the proper checks in place so every pound donated to this fund will go towards applying to the Court for permission to ring an application for judicial review against Transport for London (TfL).

Flexible funding means we can proceed with the case even if we are a tad short of our £600,000 target, giving us time to raise the shortfall whilst the case is progressing. It is also worth remembering that all pledges made won't be collected until we reach target or crowdfunding closes.

The bleak reality is that the black cab industry is at risk of becoming extinct. Seeking Judicial Review is the only route of success to ensuring a fairer system with more regulation. If Uber gains a monopoly in the market, the travelling public could suffer from dramatic fare increases and compromised regulation surrounding safety and we can't let that happen.

Follow and support our campaign at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/Action-for-Cabbies and on Twitter at @ActionCabbies


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