
Ann Hickman

SEND writer and autism parent

I'm Ann and aim to I share how our autistic and neurotypical family interacts and interprets the world in our own wonderful way. "Rainbows are too beautiful," said Anthony. "I just can't look at them." This summarises so much about our lives. I started my career in PR and marketing then turned my hand to teaching my profession shortly after having our first child. Since then I've morphed into a full time mum, part time college teacher and special educational needs and autism writer. I also blog at at, where I note positive thoughts, ideas and experiences of life with my autistic and neurotypical kids and our greater family. Our children also have diagnoses of ADHD, hypermobility, SPD, dyspraxia, anxiety and sleep issues. I hope I raise awareness, promote understanding, discuss important issues and possibly most importantly offer support.