
Dave Neale

Animal Welfare Director for Animals Asia

David Neale is the Animal Welfare Director for Animals Asia, leading a variety of welfare campaigns working towards improving the welfare of animals across Asia.

David holds a first degree in Environmental Science and a Masters in Conservation Biology. In 2001 David experienced Asiatic Black Bear cubs being sold in Hanoi and had come to learn that they were being sold to bear bile farmers. David made contact with Animals Asia in 2001 and started campaigning to end bear farming and to improve animal welfare in China and Vietnam, in January 2002.

David now leads a series of animal welfare campaigns aimed at ending the use of wild animals in circus performances, and ending the keeping of cetaceans in captivity, and a capacity building programme to improve the welfare of captive animals, develop animal welfare concepts within the veterinary teaching curriculum, and develop humane education initiatives within schools.

David also works as a volunteer animal welfare campaigner campaigning on farm animal welfare issues, and as volunteer political co-ordinator for the British Hen Welfare Trust helping to rescue and re-home hens from caged production units.

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