
Dr. Barbara Mariposa

A medical doctor, course leader, public speaker, author and one to one coach, passionate about personal and workplace well-being.

Trained at the Royal Free Hospital, London, Dr. Barbara worked in psychiatry and public health. While at medical school, she obtained a B.Sc. in psychology and began a lifelong enquiry into the inter-dependence of mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Bringing together her extensive knowledge, training skills and experience in meditation, Dr. B created the powerful and pioneering Mind Mood Mastery programme.

Her passion is to create the kind of leadership and organisational culture that support mental and emotional well-being, and to break down the stigma and prejudice around mental illness. Her vision: healthy energised people powering exceptional business performance.

She is an accomplished public speaker, bringing simplicity, originality, and honesty to her presentations, and drawing on her own journey through mental illness into full wellbeing.

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