
Dr Shaaz Mahboob

Secular activist, Medical doctor

Born in London to parents of Pakistani and Indian heritage, having been raised in Karachi, has been living in the UK for the past 18 years.

He trained as a medical doctor but decided to shift his career path to healthcare management after acquiring an MBA from University of Nottingham. He's worked in senior leadership roles in the NHS across England and Wales.

He began writing and engaging in activism against extremism since the 7/7 attacks in London. He joined British Muslims for Secular Democracy ( as a Trustee in 2006 and has been in this role ever since.

He is passionate about promotion of secular democracy, tolerance and mutual respect for members of any society. He remains a practicing Muslim and believes in continuous re-interpretation of Islamic values and teachings in the light of this modern era. He is also a firm believer of individual Muslims carrying out their own interpretation and practice of Islam using their understanding of their religion, rather than relying on religious leaders and clergy to provide the interpretation and way forward for them.

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