
Jonathan Ambrose

Carbon based visionary, realist, entrepreneurial type dude

Jonathan Ambrose is a simple carbon based life form who analyses broken at buildings and is founder of, the auction for the private residential lettings sector.

It won the 'Best Innovation' and finalist for 'Best Website' at the 2010 Landlord Award Show. The service aims to address the increasing problem of gazumping amongst private tenants when seeking a new rental home, in a fair environment.

He's also a co-founder of and, which are rental portal sites offering great deals on everything & anything (within reason) that can be rented or hired.

Apart from all of that films, video games, travelling (St Vincent & the Grenadines being the no. 1 favourite place), photography, comedy, martial arts, an avid Arsenal fan, cycling, cooking, innovation, technology and spending quality time with family & friends are all fundamental to his world!

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