
Josh Boswell

Young Journo. York PPE Graduate from North Wales. Investigations and Data are the way forward

Josh Boswell recently graduated from the University of York where he studied PPE for three years. But he spent more time in the offices of his award-winning student paper, Nouse, than in the University library, as Deputy Editor of the publication in 2012/13. To see his previous work as a student journalist, click here.

Josh has Freelanced for the Sunday Times Insight team, working on the Generals For Hire scandal, among others. He also worked under Maggie O'kane on a 15-month Guardian-BBC Arabic investigation linking the Pentagon to Iraqi torture centres. His research into the proliferation of military drones has contributed to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Drones. His passion, as you may have guessed, is long-form investigative journalism.

He continues to make his way in the print industry, interning, freelancing and writing wherever he can. He has his own blog, After The Fact, featuring comment, analysis, data projects and investigations.

September 28, 2013
August 27, 2013

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