
Melissa Hood

Founder of The Parent Practice

The founding director, Melissa is head of training, programme design & development.Melissa completed her parenting facilitation training in 1998. She was a Parenting Facilitator at The New Learning Centre in London for 6 years, running parenting skills classes, workshops and parent and family consultations. The Parent Practice was set up in 2004 and since then she has led hundreds of classes. She has a Certificate in Systemic Family Therapy (Birkbeck) and is trained in NLP, Group dynamics, Non-verbal communication and Supporting Separated Families. She was the first UK Gottman Certified Educator trained to lead Bringing Baby Home Workshops.

She took a parenting class when one of her sons, diagnosed with dyslexia, was in trouble at school with impulsive, aggressive and disruptive behaviour. Melissa and husband John wanted to address the behaviour, as well as help him academically. The advice transformed their family life as they learnt how to understand their children’s needs better, communicate more positively and improve their confidence.

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