
Sam Saunders

English and History graduate, literature research postgraduate at LJMU.

I began my writing career completely by accident, back in September 2010 just after I had started University in Bangor, North Wales. After getting a solitary email about writing an album review completely unexpected and out of the blue, the experience caused the urge to do more to take hold and now, two years later, I’ve had over 80 reviews and articles published across numerous different magazines, e-zines and newspapers. Not only do I still write album reviews, but now I also write articles on shows and performances, ranging from heavy metal festivals to ballet and operas.

Writing reviews of albums and EPs allowed me to combine my two greatest passions, writing and music, and I jumped at the chance to continue with more ferocity than a starving lion leaping at a crippled wildebeest. Now my main ambition is both to (realistically) upon graduation in June 2013 to become a published, successful journalist within the music industry, and (perhaps more unrealistically) to become a rock star at the same time. Well, we’ve all got dreams, and we’ve all got to start somewhere.