
Steph Taylor

Voluntary sector leader. Into education, employment and wellbeing. Believes in the power of young people and critical thinking.

Steph has been Head of Talent Match London since its inception in January 2014. She leads a partnership of 30 charities that work with private sector employers and young people to find innovative solutions to long-term unemployment. She is responsible for strategy, commissioning and performance, as well as accountable for ensuring the funding has an impact beyond the life of the programme; to change the way that all young Londoners receive employment support.

She is a youth worker and careers adviser, and started her working life enabling young people who needed mentoring and support to decide on their own career path, and get back into education or employment. Since then she has developed and managed alternative learning and careers programmes for 13-25 year olds, worked on a government pathfinder into Career-Related Learning at primary age, and been Assistant Director for Education at Catch22, where she managed national operational teams and led on business development, innovation and standards.

Steph is passionate about learning, development, social justice and the impact of political and social decisions on wellbeing. She is a trustee at Peace Child International, serves as a Community Primary School Governor and is studying towards an MBA.

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