
Tana Dawn

The Women’s Empowerment Specialist, International Award-Winning Best-Selling Author and Motivational Speaker

Tana Dawn is The Women’s Empowerment Specialist, International Award-Winning Best-Selling Author and Motivational Speaker. She is the CEO and founder of Tana’s passion is to help women step up and step out into the life they never had but truly deserve with confidence, self-esteem and self-worth.

Co-author of the No 1 Best-Seller ‘Answering the Call’ with Lisa Sasevich and others, Tana is known for empowering women and her work around feminine leadership. She helps women drop the mask, find their voice and become fully visible so they can walk their own divine, beautiful and authentic path. Her passion is to help them glide through the decades with power and poise both personally and professionally.

Tana is a member of the International Academy of Best-Selling Authors and has shared the red carpet with Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the No 1 Best-Seller ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’. She loves to write about empowering women and is currently sowing the seeds in preparation for her next book.

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