Pregnancy Bloom Vs Pregnancy Gloom

Being pregnant is undoubtedly a blessing. And some of us are doubly blessed in that we sail through pregnancy with very few twinges and are constantly heard saying, "I'm pregnant, not ill". Then there are those of us that have every symptom under the sun, and absolutely demand that you give up your seat so we can rest our cankles.

Being pregnant is undoubtedly a blessing. And some of us are doubly blessed in that we sail through pregnancy with very few twinges and are constantly heard saying, "I'm pregnant, not ill". Then there are those of us that have every symptom under the sun, and absolutely demand that you give up your seat so we can rest our cankles.

You either have the Pregnancy Bloom or the Pregnancy Gloom.

Image: Bloggers Own (c)

Pregnancy Bloom

You felt a bit queasy for a couple of hours on three occasions in the early stages. But apart from that you have had no morning sickness. You are always ravenously hungry and can't stop eating, but you haven't put on any more weight than is recommended. People often comment how the weight that you have gained is "all baby".

Pregnancy Gloom

Who the hell came up with the term 'morning sickness'. Try 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the last six months. You suddenly have a super hero sense of smell, and most odors make you want to barf. You spend more time in the toilet than anywhere else and have taken to walking around with a bowl just in case. Despite this you are always ravenously hungry and can't stop eating, and even though most of it comes back up you have managed to put on double the weight recommended and people often ask you "are you sure it's not twins in there?"

Pregnancy Bloom

People often tell you that you are 'glowing'. You have an abundance of energy and you feel amazing. Your skin and hair have never looked better. Your bump is a perfect football shape and you are still in the gym twice a week.

Pregnancy Gloom

The only glow you have is from the sheen of sweat. Every joint in your body aches, you are moving like an 80-year-old, and you involuntarily groan every time you stand up. Quite often you require assistance to remove yourself from the sofa. You have bump envy as everyone else appears to have lovely round bumps, whereas yours appears to be more peanut shaped.

Pregnancy Bloom

You haven't had many twinges, but two days before your due date your waters break and you go into natural labour.

Pregnancy Gloom

You've been having regular and painful Braxton Hicks for three weeks but it never develops into labour, despite the fact that you are now 10 days overdue. Everyone keeps telling you "you've made it too comfortable in there" when in fact comfort is something you haven't felt for at least 4 months. You endure the sweep from the midwife and try all methods to bring on labour including bribing your unborn child. Nothing works and you have to be induced.

Pregnancy Bloom

You slip back into your size 10's without any real effort six weeks after birth.

Pregnancy Gloom

You wonder if you can technically still call it baby weight after four years.

Can you guess which one I was?!

How did you fair? Was is pregnancy bloom or pregnancy Gloom?

This post was first published on Claire's blog Life, Love and Dirty Dishes. You can follow Claire on Facebook.
