Top 10 Female Body Parts Men Love

Okay guys, are you ready for the top 10 body parts that you like about woman? Of course you are! The following list isn't our interpretation of what we think other men may like; but in fact, the post was compiled using an online poll where over 500 of you voted.

Okay guys, are you ready for the top 10 body parts that you like about woman? Of course you are! The following list isn't our interpretation of what we think other men may like; but in fact, the post was compiled using an online poll where over 500 of you voted. So sit back, read on and try and not excite yourself too much...we all knows what happens when you do. It took your mum two weeks to get the stains out last time.

Before any chicks get offended and say that the following post proves that men are shallow, we have one thing to say to you: Who said you were allowed out of the kitchen?

We are only kidding... But seriously, the food isn't going to make itself. Anyway, we are sure you women would have abs, chest and biceps down as the top three for Top 10 male body parts women love.

10. Feet

We have never been a fan of feet ourselves; there is just something about the way they look that we can't understand why some of you get turned on by them. But each to their own we guess.

9. Back

The back doesn't really do it for us either, unless it's the lower back and maybe if there was a tattoo present. Yeah, we are referring to the dreaded tramp stamp. We do believe if you get a tasteful tattoo (none of that tribal crap) then it can definitely be a sexy place to get some ink.

8. Stomach

Now we are talking a sexy female body part. Although we have to say that we love the idea of a little ab definition such as the stomach of Cheryl Cole, we are not totally shallow and we do prefer the stomach with a little bit of something there also.

7. Legs

As they say in Bingo: Legs...11! We want to see them legs go on forever. Well, not too far or you would end up being 7ft 2 and we have misplaced our yellow pages. As long as they are shaved then it doesn't matter what shape or length, as we all know, a fuller leg means a fuller ass - which is a really good thing.

6. Hair

Now every man will have his own opinion when it comes to the Barnet. Us, we prefer dark haired girls. We even like you redheads (ginger) and we wish to share some ginger love with you - don't be hating on the redheads people.

5. Smile

No one can resist a smile from a beautiful woman. When you women smile, it shows that you're happy and that you like us men. Even though some men may act hard and come across as masculine, most of us still want to be loved.

4. Eyes

Eye contact is important and the phrase: "Love at first sight" is only possible when both of your eyes meet with each other for the very first time. Also, it applies to both sexes, there is just something about the colour blue that make eyes more beautiful.

3. Lips

As lips go, it has to be Angelina Jolie's Lips - there is just something about a fuller and plumper lip. Also referred to as BJ lips, but we can't understand why the name came to be. Can you?

2. Butt

Yeah, I bet as soon as you started reading this post you could have guessed that butt was going to be either 1 or 2. What is great though is that butts come in all different shapes and sizes and small petite ones can just be as nice as a Jennifer Lopez shaped one.

1. Chest

Drum roll please! Yeah, you guessed it; chest is the top female body part men love. Can you blame us? Anyway, it seems that most of you chested women know this as you seem to show them off and flaunt then in low cut t-shirts most of the time and we love you for it.

I guess that's the list everyone. You voted so be happy with your choices. Also for more top ten lists, please visit Ultimate Top 10s and remember that women are people too - Haha!

Although this post was based around a poll, I believe that the greater the amount of participants the less bias the results can be - so please vote below.


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