Diana Death: First Doctor At The Scene Recalls Treating Injured Princess

'Why were there so many journalists there?'

The first doctor on the scene of Princess Diana’s fatal car accident in Paris 20 years ago has revealed he gave first aid to the victims without knowing who he was treating.

French doctor Frederic Mailliez was off-duty when he drove into the Alma road tunnel on 31 August 1997, a few seconds after the crash.

“Why there were so many journalists around the Mercedes as I was giving first aid?” he wondered at the time.

Dr Frederic Mailliez was the first medic at the scene of the crash
Dr Frederic Mailliez was the first medic at the scene of the crash
Rex Features

It was only when he turned on his television the next morning that he learned the answer, Mailliez recounted in an interview with The Associated Press.

Diana was pronounced dead a few hours after the crash that occurred while she and Dodi Fayed were being chauffeured and pursued by photographers. A bodyguard was the car’s only survivor.

On that summer night, Mailliez, an emergency doctor, was driving along the Seine river and approaching the tunnel when he saw a smoky accident scene ahead. He stopped and went to investigate.

When he opened a door of the crumpled Mercedes, he saw four people, two of them in cardiac arrest. The other two, including Diana, were still alive.

Princess Diana pictured a year before her death
Princess Diana pictured a year before her death
Rex Features

“They were reacting, but clearly had significant injuries,” the doctor said. He immediately called for emergency rescue services and went to work without the medical equipment he would normally use in a life-threatening situation.

“I just had my bare hands,” he explained.

For several long minutes, Mailliez was the only doctor at the scene. His full attention went to the emergency before him and “at no point did I come to understand who these people were”.

For a long time after, he wondered if he should have done anything differently, whether he could have done anything that would have saved the 36-year-old princess’ life.

“I checked with myself and I checked also with other doctors, professors of medicine, and actually I couldn’t have done anything better than what I did,” he said.

The wreckage of the car in the tunnel
The wreckage of the car in the tunnel
Rex Features

Mailliez understands why people were, and still are, attached to Diana.

“She was endearing. She was apparently starting a new life. She seemed happy. And then she died in a stupid, dumb accident. A princess cannot die in a stupid accident,” he said.

“It’s unfair. It’s not normal. I think that’s one of the reasons why people remember this accident as something tragic and unfair.”

The doctor said he does not “believe in destiny but it’s still touching for me to think that I’m an emergency doctor, I speak English, and it happened that I arrived 30 seconds after the accident and I treated Princess Diana”.

“I was there during her last minutes and maybe my words, when I spoke to her, were the last words she could hear.”


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