My 'Casualty' Adventure

I don't want to give away any more storylines but it's all go for Mercedes; she certainly comes with a huge amount of drama in tow! I'm still filming now and will be sad to leave her when the time comes, as it has been such a great job and lovely team to be involved with.

It seems like a long time ago now, on my way out of the building post-Casualty audition, all teary, cursing my umbrella that I was having a fight with to stay umbrella shape as opposed to the shape of a extremely wide bucket on one of the rainiest days of the year. Deciding that once again that I'd had enough and that I simply can't do this anymore! Oh, the drama. Negative self talk springs to mind, followed the dramatic phone calls. What an actress aye?!

A bit of self-inflicted isolation for a couple of days, like I'd broken up with a boyfriend - chocolate, movies, fire, onesies, oh yeah, the works! And after about a week or so, I found out I in fact got the job after all! Oh well, at least I couldn't be accused of being overconfident!

Reading through the script before the audition I must say although I try not to get too attached to roles before I actually get them, I got attached. I couldn't help myself on this one. My character, Mercedes, was so edgy and manipulative, which is so different to anything I've played before, and potentially a bit of a challenge! Needless to say my life has not taken any of the paths hers has, so I wouldn't be drawing on personal experience, not that I had any experience fighting dinosaurs for Primeval etc. but you know what I mean!

So, after hearing I got the role my focus instantly turned to a bit of character creation. My first thought was to grime myself up a bit, to look like I'd been through the mill so to speak (even more than I have, hehe!) I had, coincidentally, died my hair lilac before the audition, which turned out to be a great canvas for, and pardon the cliché, having a little fun with it. So off I trotted to Camden market and on my market travels I bumped into a lovely lady called Florence, who makes and sells absolutely brilliant braids of all colours, shapes and sizes - tons of which I bought tons for Mercedes, the lucky girl. Followed by nose rings, ear cuffs, hippy-themed earrings and all sorts! Oh, if only I'd been able to pick the wardrobe! Any excuse to spend a few quid down Camden market!

After all that highly important stuff that I like to prioritise (aka shopping!) I went down to Cardiff (where the show is filmed) to begin my Casualty adventure! I made a detour to Salisbury on a pit stop to get my hair done on the way by my amazing hairdresser Stephanie Horrill who, bless her, has been dying my hair every week for continuity as it washes out so fast. So it's been a lot of Cardiff-via-Salisburys for me recently, although there are definitely worse places to pass through - it's beautiful and the market is great! And TK Maxx! :-p

The first week was pretty action-packed as I was in a fight in a local park outside the public toilets (classy!) and injured in the episode so it was a lot of fun, action and prosthetics. The cast and all the team were so warm and welcoming it really was a great first week! I do most of my scenes with the one and only Charles Dale aka 'Big Mac', who I absolutely adore. I don't want to give away any more storylines but it's all go for Mercedes; she certainly comes with a huge amount of drama in tow! I'm still filming now and will be sad to leave her when the time comes, as it has been such a great job and lovely team to be involved with. It's a really nice set up in Cardiff the studio is in the dock next to the Doctor Who experience and it's a lovely peaceful place.

I used to watch Casualty when I was a kid and I remember a lot of the cast like Charlie, who's still there, an absolute legend! And I saw Duffy came back a few months ago, which was great, although I never got to meet her. Who knows, maybe some other old faces might make a return, that would be fun! I'm watching Casualty every week now, it's the highlight of my Saturday night! I might watch it through my fingers a little bit when I'm on, hopefully I'm not that bad though! Hehe!

Oh they're knocking on the door I'm on set, so it's bye for now... Make sure you watch my first episode tonight at 9.05pm, BBC1!!! :-D

Have a great weekend!


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