We're Helping You Have a Healthier, Happier 2015!

We've all made promises to eat better at some point or another, but this time we're going to help you kick-start your healthier 2015 - with 10 great recipes from Jamie and his talented friends.

We've all made promises to eat better at some point or another, but this time we're going to help you kick-start your healthier 2015 - with 10 great recipes from Jamie and his talented friends.

To see our online recipe book of healthy choices, click here.

The charming Donal Skehan, radonkulous DJ BBQ, super-mum Kerryann Dunlop and many more, will be showing you how to cook up these tasty dishes at home...

Packed with slow-release energy, protein, fruit and nuts, Fifteen graduate, Anna Jones, prepares a Bircher Muesli to get your day started and keep you going until lunch. Use with your milk of choice for a dairy or dairy-free version.

Here's a comforting, delicious and healthy meat-free meal idea that everyone will love. It's packed with nutritious beans, rich and flavoursome veg then served with baked sweet potato, cheesy croutons and a drizzle of yoghurt. Wow.

This healthy chicken recipe takes minimal prep and gives maximum results. Loaded with sweet peppers and succulent tomatoes then finished with warming paprika and sweet balsamic vinegar, this is a one-pot cooking wonder in a tray! Plus every bit is good for you.

And a little something to wash it all down with from Drinks Tube. Anna Jones' Citrus Rehydrator is the perfect, natural post-workout thirst quencher.

We don't need to tell you that making wiser and healthier eating choices makes you feel better, but we are going to tell you that simple, honest and healthier food can be just as delicious as full-fat, super-sweet or salty versions.

So here's to healthier, happier 2015 with plenty more where that came from on JamieOliver.com, Food Tube, Drinks Tube and Jamie Magazine.


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