Where Do You Vote in the EU Referendum?

We want to make it as straightforward to take part in decision-making as it is to book a concert ticket, to order some takeaway or to find out who won the football last night. It's time the digital transformation came to democracy.

It's Thursday 23 June. It's 6.30pm. You're just home from work but you can't find your polling card. You know you need to go vote to keep the EU in or out of bananas - but you don't know where to go. Maybe it got lost in the post? This one matters. Maybe it's in the recycling? This one has consequences. Time is ticking. Hurry. What do you do?

If you're reading the Huffington Post, the chances are you're the sort of person who would Google it. It shouldn't be hard, right? It's 2016. You want directions to come up on your phone. But not so fast. Google only works when the information is somewhere online. But instead, hundreds of councils across the UK each have some of the data, but it's not open or available. So you can't. You're reduced to crossing your fingers, hoping, praying.

Maybe this isn't you. Maybe you've got your polling card stuck to the fridge. But we know it's a problem. At the last general election, 'where do I vote' and 'where's my polling station' were in the top five online searches that day.

It's just one of the problems we try to solve at Democracy Club. We've made a polling station finder and we're plugging in the data that will make it useful, council by council. Check back on 23 June to see if we have yours.

We want to make it as straightforward to take part in decision-making as it is to book a concert ticket, to order some takeaway or to find out who won the football last night. It's time the digital transformation came to democracy.

It's not just where you vote. It's who you can vote for. Two weeks ago there were elections across the UK. While the big ones - London Mayor, Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly - got the attention, there were thousands of smaller local elections to councils across England.

With the help of hundreds of volunteers - people like you - we made it possible to easily find out who was to be on your ballot paper, before you went to vote. With two taps on your phone you could connect with your candidates on facebook or email. Over a few days, 180,000 people came to find out about their elections and candidates. And all our data was open for anyone to use.

We believe that through technology, we can improve the democratic experience of tens of millions of people.

If it's quick and easy to find out about elections happening in your area, about who your candidates are and where they stand, we think you'll go to the polls better informed than ever. Perhaps you'll even go to the polls for the first time. That's tech for good.

And you can help us progress faster. Democracy only works when everyone takes part, so come join the club and spend a few minutes volunteering online to help people get better information.

Lastly, don't forget to register to vote! Check that your friends have registered to vote too. Sign up by 7 June for the EU Referendum.

HuffPost UK Tech is running a two-week focus on our Tech For Good campaign, which aims to highlight the technology that is driving social change and making a positive, long-lasting difference to our world. If you'd like to blog on our platform around this topic, email ukblogteam@huffingtonpost.com with a summary of who you are and what you'd like to blog about.


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