My Online Mummy Squad

I speak to these ladies everyday in some shape or form. We share our highs and lows without judgement. They are my go to ladies with just about everything. There is always one of us there day or night to help celebrate or a shoulder to cry on or talk things over.

Over three and a half years ago I joined a baby centre January 2014 birth group. Little did I know the ladies I met on this group would be such a huge and influential part of my life. These ladies are my motherhood sisters.

I have been through two pregnancies , births and every developmental milestone that my babies have gone through. We have celebrated three years of our gorgeous babies' birthdays together and the younger siblings that have followed.

I speak to these ladies everyday in some shape or form. We share our highs and lows without judgement. They are my go to ladies with just about everything. There is always one of us there day or night to help celebrate or a shoulder to cry on or talk things over.

If one of us is hurt or upset we all are and we are on the hunt for who has caused it, a big group of angry mummies on the warpath - scary. We never get bored of listening to each other's problems and someone always has a solution to almost every problem shared.

I have learnt so much about being a mum from these women and they have made me the mummy I am today. These special ladies always rally around when someone is in need or going through a mummy meltdown.

We are all going through the same thing whether it be terrible twos, the threenager stage, potty training, sleep deprivation - you name it we've been there.

I always feel any negatives I have about being a mummy are made normal by these gorgeous women. I love this as if I didn't have them to talk things over I would just sit here thinking what an awful mum I was for not enjoying weaning or feel pathetic for crying because my three year old won't stop screaming at me every time I say no to something. Instead one of you will say yeah my little one is being a complete demon child today or man I hate potty training.

You ladies were there with me during my labour step by step with both babies from the moment my waters went. Some of us were in labour together, spurring each other on and had babies born just hours apart. You were number one on Facebook to see the precious first pictures of my babies. I came to you as soon as I got that positive test with Frankie, of course everyone else had to wait till the 12 week scan to find out but you knew as soon as I did.

We share everything, no such thing as oversharing in this group. We know each other inside out and can read each other like a book. If someone is down we know, if someone is pregnant we know. Nothing gets past us.

During the early days of motherhood the mummies kept me going through night feeds, winding and poonamis. Always there for a chat at 3am, 4,30 am and to share a coffee with at 8am. Some days when I was finding it impossible to get through on 2 hours sleep I had my own personal cheerleaders cheering me on to get to that finish line called bedtime and wine.

You will always be a part of my life no matter how big our babies get. I know I can always be 100 percent raw and honest with you ladies, with no judgement just kindness. You are and always will be my first port of call for support and encouragement. Thank you for being my motherhood sisters, always and loving me and my babies the way you do my online mummy squad.

Lianne xx
