Please Can You Do Me a Favour? Can You Touch Yourself?

According to Breast Cancer UK 331,000 people a year were diagnosed with cancer in 2011 in the UK only, that's around 910 people every day, or 38 people every hour. It's so common now that unfortunately 30% of us will experience cancer at some point in our life.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and rapidly followed by Movember, Prostate Cancer Awareness month. Not sure we understand the seriousness of raising awareness and education around cancer.

Let me paint the real picture for you.

According to Breast Cancer UK 331,000 people a year were diagnosed with cancer in 2011 in the UK only, that's around 910 people every day, or 38 people every hour. It's so common now that unfortunately 30% of us will experience cancer at some point in our life.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like A LOT to me!

I am in my early 30s. I'm the happiest lady ever, you can ask my friends and colleagues, and they would all say the same. I am super healthy, energetic and positive too, and I thought it would never happen to me, at least not at my young age and with my healthy lifestyle.

This august I was given the devastating news. The doctors removed an eye / circle shaped patch about 10cm diameter from my upper chest. All I have to say is it changed my life overnight. The picture above is few days before surgery me staying positive and finding the fun thing about the situation and drawing my third eye! It's been hard and of course the real scar looks quite different; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Cancer is the NUMBER ONE FEAR for the British Public

I now understand why. And that's why I'm reaching out to you.

This is a very serious request and I'm asking for your support by doing me a big favour:


Know what's normal for you and do regular checks. Touch, feel, look. I don't care if you are a man, a woman, old, young, short, tall, nor your nationality nor that you have a very busy lifestyle. Please do it today and asked your loved ones to check and touch themselves too.

Diagnosing cancer on time can be the big difference between saving your life or that of your loved ones the type of treatment used, and the amount and length of pain too.

If you want to find out more on how to do it, you can get expert advise from Cancer Research UK and Breakthrough Cancer in the links below:

I want you to know there is lots of support out there. It takes courage to check yourself. Please be your own and your loved ones Hero : ) Your future self and your loved ones will be ever grateful you took action today

Many thanks for your help!


