New Labour

At the last Labour Party conference the shop did not sell a single piece of memorabilia relating to Tony Blair.
The average annual full-time wage is just £25,000 and it is the 10 million on ordinary incomes either side of this average that should be Labour’s core constituency, writes Labour MP John Healey.
Accusations of abuse and homophobia amid high drama caused by Labour's decision to allow former Respect Party leader to run as candidate in West Midlands mayoral race.
The trouble is, they stand for the same vapid centrist politics which helped leave Britain so damaged in the first place.
The five things you need to know about politics today
There is hardly ever a Labour MP or commentator from the moderate wing of the party taking to the airwaves to talk up Britain, the party or their policies
The UK should have a bespoke work permit system, with the aim to reduce net migration to around the levels last seen in the mid-1990s
Aside from a peak at last year’s election, the last time the NHS was a concern for this much of the British public was April 2002