
Is it a whale uprising or just a playful "fad"?
A report has found that the condition of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated since its last evaluation by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in 2014. The causes cited for this include climate change, overfishing and coral bleaching events. Experts believe its condition can be improved if strong local and global actions are taken. The reef’s status as a UNESCO World Heritage listing is at risk considering this outlook.
Stopping some damage is not enough. We must commit to a positive programme of ocean recovery to combat the effects of climate breakdown, and boost our oceans’ capacity to tackle climate change.
'Although it’s out of sight, out of mind to a lot of us, it still occupies 70 percent of our planet and defines our well being.'
'I’m always scared, I normally shut my eye because I’m that scared.' 🙀
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