Single Parent

The designer said he's had to take on many responsibilities as a newly single dad to his 9-year-old son after Richard Buckley died in September.
Survey by Gingerbread and Mumsnet also reveals 86% believe DWP agency failures allowed their ex to “financially control or abuse them”.
"As a solo parent ― one is solely responsible for the well-being of a child ― I feel as if I am excluded for the solutions our governments give us."
The “discriminatory” cap targets the wrong people, campaigners say.
Single parent families make up 25 percent of all family types. The charity Gingerbread started Single Parents' Day to bring attention to the hard work and sacrifice of single parents.
Single parents are starting to be heard but the Budget announcements are unlikely to reverse the tide towards rising levels of child poverty
A check-up on the state of a new mum’s mental health every three months throughout the first year of the baby’s life should be compulsory
Why would someone want me over a woman without children?
If you chose to, you could look at my son's mum as a single mother. In fact he has, for almost all of his 18 years, been surrounded by four loving parents
'Don’t rush it, no matter how in love you are.'