us news

The president took aim at one of his predecessor's personal trademarks -- and the audience loved it.
Elizabeth Williams said the former president often appeared to have his eyes shut, but his demeanour changed during one particular episode.
A rant on Fox News from Donald Trump's son contained one glaring error.
MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter said this is "not a good look" for the former president.
It's part of a larger package worth $95 billion that will go to the Senate, where approval may take time but is considered almost certain.
The Good Liars found some unsual beliefs among the MAGA faithful at a recent rally.
The former president's latest complaint gets a cool reception on social media.
The president trolled his campaign rival with a crack about Truth Social's rapidly declining value.
The Biden campaign even offered a lullaby for the former president.
The judge refused a request to appear at the US Supreme Court next week and said it was too soon to decide if Trump could attend his son's graduation.