White nationalism

“In my country, we play a game where you are a white nationalist and kill all the N–s and gays,” the caller said.
Will they still have those jobs once President-elect Biden takes office? One might.
Proud Boys, white nationalists, QAnon believers, armed militias and other Trump fans gathered in Pennsylvania, the state that made Joe Biden the president-elect.
The shooter may have acted alone, but he is part of a network that stretches from Christchurch to Charlottesville.
"We see it on Fox News, we see it on the internet, but we also see it from our commander in chief," says Beto O’Rourke
Trump shows we are only ever a small step away from going from electing a black president, to crowds baying to send an American 'back' because she happens to be black, Diane Abbott writes.
James Alex Fields Junior drove his car into the crowd during a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville in 2017, killing Heather Heyer, 32.
The credit card giant has spent months trying to block the creation of a committee to oversee white nationalists using its services.
Almost 18 months after Twitter promised to crack down on hate, the platform teems with racist extremists.
It’s too early to obtain exact figures, but it looks like over 1,000,000 first preferences were directed towards right-wing minor parties – xenophobes were spoilt for choice.