DIY Easy Natural Body Cream For Dry Skin

This body cream contains only three main ingredients which are easy to combine and relatively easy to find. I found these ingredients worked best to relieve dryness and nourish my skin, as well as were easy to work with.

This body cream contains only three main ingredients which are easy to combine and relatively easy to find. I found these ingredients worked best to relieve dryness and nourish my skin, as well as were easy to work with.

Please, note that, as with any new products, it is best to consult a health specialist before starting to use any of the following.

Shea Butter

  • Moisturising and nourishing: contains a number of vitamins and fatty acids which make it very moisturising (read more here)
  • Anti-inflammatory: can potentially help relieve acne and inflammatory conditions (see more here)
  • Collagen production: shea butter can help stimulate collagen production, making skin smoother and reducing wrinkles (read more here)

Coconut Oil

  • Anti-aging: can have anti-aging effect if taken internally (read more here)
  • Anti-inflammatory: can help with inflammation (read more here)
  • Moisturising: contains a high amount of fatty acids (read more here)
  • Anti-microbial: coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which might help with candida (read more here)

Hemp Oil

Body Cream Recipe

Preparation time: 10 minutes (more if jars need to be sterilized)


  • 1 part hemp seed oil
  • 2 parts shea butter
  • 2 parts coconut oil
  • a few drops of essential oils - I love to mix lavender and ylang ylang. Lavender can help restore skin complexion, reduce acne, psoriasis, and eczema, as well as heal burns and wounds, and slow aging. Ylang ylang possesses antiseptic properties, helping with wounds healing. Both of these oils have antidepressant and sedative properties and have a lovely smell, making them excellent for adding to any cosmetics.

You will also need:

  • a big plate
  • a fork
  • a mixing bowl
  • a mixer (not necessary, but preferable for smooth silky whipped cream texture)
  • sterilized glass jars with lids for storage


  • take shea butter and place it on the plate. Mash it with a fork until it turns into a smooth paste

  • add coconut oil and mash it together with shea butter until smooth
  • add mashed coconut oil and shea butter into a mixing bowl together with hemp oil and essential oils
  • mix the oils together with a mixer or by hand until it has a fluffy, whipped cream texture
  • place the mixture into the sterilized jars for storage. Depending on your preparation method, as well as the quality of the products, the storage duration will vary - please, check the "use by" date on your ingredients. I do not recommend storing the mixture for longer than 6 months.
  • Usage

    You can use this body cream topically anywhere on your body including the face (though the texture can be a bit greasy for face skin). It is excellent for very dry skin, cracked heels, dry elbows - any areas that need more attention. I use it on my whole body in a thin layer (if you use too much your skin will feel greasy), and let it penetrate for 15 minutes before putting clothes on.

    It works very well as a hand cream and lip salve, though bear in mind that in high temperatures the cream might melt, and in low temperatures it might solidify, which means you will not have the same fluffy consistency throughout and it might leak in certain containers when it liquefies. Just make sure you use a leak-proof air-tight container if you are taking the cream with you when traveling.

    All photos presented are the property of the blog author Olga Terebenina.


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