Glump, Snudg and Wagger Paggers: Dictionary Saves Old Words And Adds New Ones

Glump, Snudg and Wagger Paggers: Dictionary Saves Old Words

Glump, snudg, wagger paggers and giglet: just four of the words included in the latest edition of The Chambers Dictionary. But what do they mean?

The latest edition of 110-year-old dictionary claims to be taking defiant stand against “disposable English”.

“Words are not sandwiches,” we’re told by the publishers. “They are not disposable; they should be celebrated, not made invisible. Popular English dictionaries have a critical responsibility to showcase our historic language, not just the words of the moment.”

Huffington Post UK take a look at some of the more obscure words that Chambers have decided to save, or hope to revive.


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