UK University Fees Third Highest In The World - Before Next Year's Increases

UK University Fees Third Highest In The World - Before Next Year's Increases


British students are forking out thousands more than countries such as Japan and Italy for their degree, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developments (OECD).

Faring as the third highest tuition payers below the US and Korea, British students pay up to £3,290 a year for further education, in comparison to the Netherlands, Sweden and France, where tuition is free.

And that's not all - the depressing statistics are set to get worse. The existing bank-breaking fees are set to treble for students starting university in 2012, leaving students (and their parents), facing a tuition bill of £6,000 to £9,000 a year.

However, although the price spike is set to deter many potential university goers from furthering their education, some experts believe that British students receive better financial backing than their counterparts.

Making reference that two thirds of funding for higher education in the UK comes from private funding and having easier access to loans and grants, author Andreas Schleicher says, "The cost of higher education has risen very dramatically (in the US). It is very difficult for people to afford it because access to financing is much less well developed than in the UK."

What do you think about the soaring university fees?
