Doctors were forced to jump out of the way after a huge cyst on student Jade Lucas' brain "exploded" and spurted pressurised fluid from her skull.
Surgeons drilled down into Lucas' skull to release fluid and operate on an arachnoid cyst from which she's suffered since birth.
But because doctors continued to operate despite the excess fluid, Lucas will not have to have any more major surgery.
It's a relief for the 20-year-old college student, who has had brain surgery 15 times at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Jade, from Horley, Surrey, said: "I couldn't believe it when I was told what had happened during my surgery -- I don't think the doctors had ever had to dodge brain fluid during an operation before.
"I'm told I was lucky to survive after such high pressure in my brain. I can't thank the doctors and nurses who saved my life enough."
Doctors opened her skull to put a "shunt" in Lucas' brain, a device which drains fluid and directs it towards her heart.
"They told me I needed an emergency operation for surgeons to release the pressure, as the cyst was growing bigger and bigger. I've since found out there was so much fluid under pressure in my head it had literally exploded when surgeons opened up my skull."
"If it got any bigger, it could have caused brain damage. If my shunt stops draining, I have four hours to get treated before things get very dangerous," the student added.
Jade had four follow-up operations in the week after her surgery, but she remains positive and hopes to get back to college.
"I try to just get on with things." She said "I hope I’ll be one of the lucky ones now."
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported that Jade Lucas lives in Horsham. She lives in Horley.