'Alyssa Talking Backwards' Clip Shows Girl's Extraordinary Talent (VIDEO)

WATCH: Girl Can Speak Any Word Backwards Almost Instantly

The ability to hear any word, then say it backwards, isn't exactly the most useful skill in the world - but it is a damn impressive one, as this viral video 'Alyssa Talking Backwards' proves.

Originally uploaded six months ago, it's had a massive second wind recently after Reddit and other big name traffic drivers noticed the unusual video and pointed readers in its direction.

And before you start thinking "I bet they're only really simple words", know this: they're not. Unless you think she pre-prepared how to say "cornnuts" backwards, in which case, we're almost as impressed she did that.

Quick-thinking YouTubers swiftly took the original video and played it backwards to see whether you could hear her say the original word - see below - but as anyone with a basic grasp of how phonetics work will tell you, it just sounds like gobbledygook. In reverse.

Still, take a look at both videos and let us know what you think - is this the most useless skill on the web? Or do you have your own favourites? Let us know in the comment box below...


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