Generous Cockatoo Gives Dog Friend Some Of His Noodles (VIDEO)

WATCH: Cockatoo Feeds Dog Some Noodles

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day some of your weirder dreams come true. Witness... a friendly cockatoo feeding some noodles to a labrador.

And we have one woman to thank - and her username is xxImmortalDreamerxx. Thank you xxImmortalDreamerxx, thank you. The impossibly named YouTuber may only have one video on her channel, but what a video to have, eh?

Carefully and cleverly dipping the occasional noodle into a nearby bowl of sauce, the cockatoo that stars in this particular YouTube video displays talent and friendship beyond traditional expectations of the common parrot.

Basically, this feathered friend is an absolute hero and we want him to come round and feed pieces pieces of cooked pasta. Is that too much to ask, Internet? Is it?

If we had one gripe with this particular clip, it's this: turn your mobile phone around, xxImmortalDreamerxx! Landscape, landscape, landscape! YouTube demands it!

Right. Now we've had that little rant, we better calm ourselves with an awesome video gallery. How about... animals riding other animals? Perfect.


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