Rio De Janeiro Carnival, Jennifer Lopez And Fergie Watch Parade (PICTURES)

Which Celebrities Were At The Rio Carnival? (PICTURES)

Amid the frothy headdresses, sequined bikinis and tassled bottoms two familiar faces were visible at yesterday’s Rio de Janeiro Carnival parade.

Singers Jennifer Lopez and Fergie, from the Black Eyed Peaswere among the crowds as the sequin-clad dancers took to the streets in Brazil’s capital.

Lopez was at the event courtesy of local beer brand Brahma, while Head and Shoulders hosted Fergie.

Spectators were split over the presence of the stars at the carnival, with Monica Linsay, 23, teling AP: “I honestly couldn’t care less if there are famous people or not.

“I don’t care about marketing ploys. I’m here to watch the parade.”

Samba schools, bands and floats flooded the streets in a riot of colour, flesh and sweat, providing adequate distraction for those less than impressed by the celebrity presences.

State estimates say the event generates 250,000 jobs and revenues of $640million for hotels, bars and restaurants.


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