Inspirational Dogs Celebrated At Crufts 'Friends For Life' Competition

It's A Hard Dog Life For Us: Crufts Celebrates Inspirational Pooches

Dogs are well known for being man's best friend, but pooches that were literal life savers were recognised at this year's Crufts.

Inspirational Obi is a working member of the Met police force, and takes his role as seriously as any of its human employees. During the August riots, Obi was on patrol with PC Phil Wells, and was hit by a brick, which shattered his skull, and left him bleeding.

Police dog Obi

Bullet-dodging bomb-sniffer Buster has served on the frontline in Iraq and Afghanistan.

With courage that many humans would struggle to summon, the cocker spaniel sniffed out two explosives that led to the suicide bombers arrests.

Although Buster has now retired, his erstwhile nose has saved countless lives. He even has his own medals, which are now displayed on his official royal air force police cloak.

Dusty but brave: Buster on duty

Of course no list of inspirational pooches would be complete without honouring the hundreds of guide dogs who help blind people across Britain.

One of those dogs is Libby, who has helped Paralympic hopeful Lora Turnham achieve her dreams

"Libby is amazing" Lora told Crufts

"The first day we met she bounded out of the back of the training van and jumped up to see me, tail wagging - it was as though she knew she was meant to be with me."

Libby and Lorna at the track

Despite Lora's tough training schedule, her talented guidedog leads the way to all her sessions at the cycle track. Lora indebits her athletic success to her support dog, saying that if she wins a medal at the 2012 London Paralympics "she will be sharing it with her!"

Libby takes a well-deserved break while she waits for her owner to finish training

Do you have an inspirational dog story? Email your pictures to
