Cat Sneak Attack: Ninja Feline Tackles Stuffed Raccoon (VIDEO)

Ninja Cat Sneak Attacks Stuffed Raccoon

Cats, eh? Sneaky little devils, they are. Slinking around the house, quietly rubbing up against your legs when suddenly - BLAM! - they're half way over the kitchen table, soaring through the air with your tuna sandwich in their maws.

They're so quick and so agile, it's a rare occasion to see a video of a ninja-like cat on the internet. After all, when was the last time you even watched a cat video on YouTube? That's right, never. Probably.

Here above we've got some special footage of a kitty cat performing a sneak attack on an unsuspecting stuffed raccoon toy. Poor blighter never saw it coming...

And for more feline take-downs, check out this 'cat sneak attack' video gallery we've got for you below. Enjoy!


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