To have your car explode when it breaks down is very rare.
To have your broken down car blown up by anti-terrorist police because you left it unattended next to Westminster is even rarer.
However, that is exactly what happened to Nima Hosseini Razi, a tourist visintg London, who returned from having a peek at Buckingham Palace while he waited for the AA to see that his Ford Mondeo had been wrecked in a controlled explosion by the Met Police.
Mr Razi pulled into Storey's Gate in Westminster, yards from the Houses of Parliament, and left it with a note on top of his dashboard which read:
"This car is broken. I am just waiting for the AA to arrive. Please do not fine! Thank you."

Mr Razi left his note but it wasn't enough to persuade the police, who took steps to destroy the car
Mr Razi, for whatever reason, decided not to wait by his car for recovery and instead headed off for a spot of sightseeing. While he was away, his unattended vehicle caught the eye of the law.
With no sign of Mr Razi, the police decided the car may be a security threat and took the decision to evacuate the area and perform a controlled explosion to neutralise any threat.
To top the whole debacle off, Mr Razi was awarded a ticket for parking illegally.
Click through the slideshow below to see more pictures of the man's mangled Mondeo...