Chinese University Athlete Runs Straight Through Hurdles And 14 Other Sporting Fails (VIDEO)

WATCH: Chinese University Athlete Runs Straight Through Hurdles

Even if you've never watched anyone run the 110m hurdles, you'll know a couple of things about it. One, it involves running 110 metres and two, it requires you to, you know, jump over the hurdles.

This as yet unnamed competitor at the World University Games in Shenzhen, China, didn't seem to get the memo, charging at the hurdles in front of him like a rhino with an attitude problem.

In many ways, it's heartening to see a sportsman so dedicated to his task that he just shunts everything in his path, but in many more other ways, it's just plain odd.

Still, here's to you, smashing-into-hurdles guy! In fact, here's to you and 14 others like you who've blundered their way into our 'Bizarre Sports Fails' video gallery we've got for you below. Loving your work, guys, loving your work...


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